Frequently Asked Questions

If I donate to Friends of Glencoe Scouting, how will my contributions be used?

Friends of Glencoe Scouting will provide support for Troop 28 Scouts in the form of individual scholarships for large expenses such as summer camp at the BSA’s High Adventure Camps, as well as for primary equipment such as tents and trailers. Scouting adventures often require substantial travel, equipment, and activity fees. Friends of Glencoe Scouting will ensure no scout will miss these potentially life-changing opportunities due to financial need.

Can these gifts go directly to the Troop instead of to the Friends?

Employee incentive awards and volunteerism grants usually cannot go to a pack, troop, or unit due to the company’s giving restrictions. Corporate donations often can go only to charities that are “501(c) (3) charities,” and many units are not chartered by tax-exempt charities. Also, many companies won’t make gifts to religious organizations. If a unit is “tax-exempt,” it’s often because it’s chartered to a church, synagogue, etc., so it couldn’t receive corporate funds either. Of course, corporate awards and grants may go to any local council for use at the discretion of the council.

A Troop can’t solicit gifts?

No. Simply put, units are not permitted to solicit any gifts. Both the Charter and Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the BSA make this very clear; only local councils may solicit individuals, corporations, United Ways, or foundations for gifts in support of Scouting. Units, unit leaders, and youth members may not solicit gifts in the name of Scouting or in support of unit needs and activities (except in unusual circumstances where the unit has received permission to do so from the local council). Units are also prohibited from soliciting gifts on their websites.

Does that mean people can’t make gifts to a Troop?

Units are not supposed to solicit gifts, but they can receive gifts. Anyone can contribute to a Scout pack, troop, or unit—and many donors don’t need or care about charitable deductions. Obviously, defining a “solicited gift” is not always easy. But we rely on our unit leaders to set good examples and honor the intent and spirit of these important guidelines. We know it’s hard to stop people from being generous, especially toward Scouting.

Can gifts go to the local council to benefit our unit, then “pass through” the council to us?

No. A unit ‘belongs’ to it”s chartered organization, not to it’s local council. IRS guidelines prohibit any charity from accepting gifts that are ”passed through” to a person or unrelated entity. A council could accept a gift in the name of your unit and hold it in a unit account. The unit could then “draw down” on the account for camp fees, uniform and supply needs, etc. (This is how colleges handle student scholarships.) But be sure to first ask your local council if it has the staff and time to do this. This is entirely the council’s decision. A council accepting a gift in the name of the unit does not necessarily extend tax benefits to the donor.

Can my unit credit amounts from fundraising to an individual toward their expenses?

No. The IRS has stated that crediting fundraising amounts constitutes private benefit. However, the unit could use the funds (all or a percentage) raised to reduce or eliminate dues and various registration fees, purchase uniforms and Scouting books, and purchase camping equipment. The unit could also use its funds to provide assistance to individual Scouts in cases of financial hardship.

I don’t have a PayPal account, can I still donate online?

Yes. Look for the Checkout as Guest option after you

Is my online payment safe?

PayPal is one of the largest internet payment processors in the world. In the third quarter of 2018 alone, they processed almost 2.5 billion payments worldwide. When you make payment by PayPal, the Friends of Glencoe Scouting will not receive sensitive financial information like your credit card or bank account number. Those details are entered directly on PayPal’s site, not ours. Additionally, when you pay with PayPal on any website PayPal Purchase Protection covers you if you have a problem. If an item doesn’t arrive or is significantly not as described PayPal will help you to get a full refund.

I don’t wish to pay the online transaction fee, can I still donate?

Yes. Please mail a check payable to Friends of Glencoe Scouting to 1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60601.

My question isn’t answered here, is there someone I can contact?

Please feel free to email us at friends (at) with any additional questions.